Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Columbus Day Weekend

In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

Started the weekend out in Jefferson, Texas. 
Jefferson Hotel (this is an actual room key!)

Jeanne's birthday present this year was a trip to Jefferson to stay in the haunted Jefferson Hotel and to take their famous ghost tour. 

We arrived early and had some time to kill...


The General Store offers some interesting wares.

After doing a little shopping we headed to dinner at Lamache's. Oh my! So good!

And then we were off to find ghosts! 

The ghosties must have been busy, because we didn't have any encounters. 
Jeanne took this picture...if you look at the left hand corner there appears to be a ghostly image of a dog. "Appears" being the operative word. No ghost, just a neighborhood dog.

Saturday we woke up to overcast skies and fall temperatures. After eating brunch we headed downtown and did a little shopping.
Great little boutique! I ended up with a new scarf for Sam & I and a Christmas present for Abby!
Apparently even a "hag" enjoys a good shoe sale!
Thanks for the road trip Jeanne(itsasimplelittleblog.blogspot.com)! I had a blast and loved spending some quality time with you!!

Sunday lonely Sunday

Tim worked all day so I took the opportunity to wear my pjs all day and watch ridiculous tv! I finally made myself get up and cook dinner. It was the perfect lazy day, however I wish Tim could have been home with me!
Awesome rainy day!
Tim was so happy to come home to chili and cornbread.

Hope everybody had a great weekend!

OH ! Good job Abby! Way to ride for the  Make-A-Wish Foundation!  I am proud of you! xoxoxox

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU for a great weekend! Maybe the ghosts didn't get the memo about living in "The most haunted town and hotel in Texas" ....OR maybe things aren't always as they appear *wink*
    Always an adventure
